Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week one: Life onboard begins

Today officially marks one week that we've been onboard the Africa Mercy :)

     Despite how short that is, it seems like we've been here much longer. Maybe that has something to do with the way time has felt - relatively free, and unstructured. Though these past couple days have been spent in a number of orientations and meetings, our time has largely been our own.
     So we've spent it acquainting ourselves with the ship and daily rhythm onboard. When mealtimes are, when/where mandatory weekly gatherings take place, what protocol to follow for coming and going. It's surprising how easily one can learn a new routine - like we're happy to return to a predictable way of doing life.
     We've also begun to build relationships with those we will work alongside. There are so many kind, loving people on this ship, and it's been a joy to spend this uninterrupted time together. There have been loud, hilarious moments playing games in the mid-ship lounge, and quiet, peaceful moments reading and praying together outside on deck. I know the next few months will bring challenges that only life lived in community presents, but right now I am just excited to join lives and purpose with these people.
     It is difficult to sum up the days: Do I blog about events? Or should I talk about the friendships being formed? Do I give you facts about this country, attempting to sum up the richness of these people with a few pictures? Or do I share how I'm feeling about it all? I'm not quite sure...I think the content of this blog will evolve as my days here increase. So bear with me as I figure out how to best process and relay this experience. I want to give it due weight.
     But for now, I will share a few things I am thankful for now that we're here! :)

Everyone filing off the ship and gathering at our muster stations
Andrea, Beth and I during the routine fire drill on Friday

     First things first, I am beyond thankful for Pat. He has been such a reassuring presence during this transition. Always steady, always loving me well. We have each adjusted to this change in our own way, but in the shared experience of upheaval and life shift we have found joy in yet another common ground. He is the biggest blessing I could have asked for, and I'm a lucky girl to share my cabin with him :)

Pat playing in our cabin; getting ready in the morning wouldn't be the same without that sound :)
Inspecting our Guinean money...plastic bag given to us by the bank

    Secondly, I am SO thankful for the group of people we arrived with! The dozen or so nurses that came in on our flight have seemed to knit into this happy little bunch who basically do life together. It's somewhat like freshman year: you all walk around smiling with your new name badges on, going where you're told, eating in the cafeteria every meal, and just trying not to be too overwhelmed. So it's really great that we're not alone in this experience, that we have others to share in it too!

Pat giving Hannah her first chess lesson
Becky and Emily's squared during Dirty Uno
Jen, Juan and Andrea - the competitive corner

     Lastly, I am extremely grateful for the chance to be here. It sometimes feels like we've jumped the tracks of our life and found ourselves here by happy mistake for this brief time. But I know better - this has been a long time coming :) And it's going to go by so quickly, which I think is part of what makes it so precious. If I'm honest, it's been an adjustment reconciling the dream of what Mercy Ships would be like with the reality of what it IS, but I wouldn't change it. How cool is it that we get to do this beautiful thing alongside all of these people who want to be here...?
     Next week the hospital opens, and everything will change around here. This peaceful ship will be bustling with life, patients will come, surgeries will be done and lives will be changed. So I've tried to just soak up this week of rest and learning, because the ship will never be this still again. We're in the calm before the storm, but this is one storm everyone here is actually looking forward to :)


  1. Emily; you are a supremely gifted writer and teller of tales. Whatever you write reveals your beautiful heart and thoughtful mind. I have been touched by everything you've written, regardless of subject.I am anticipating your blogs, and hearing about your God-led adventures with Pat! Deborah

  2. Love reading about the journey you two are on.....hugs to both of you and eager to read the next blog!! Erin & Codi

  3. Have to agree with Deborah--your words are powerful & beautiful! Continued blessings on your adventure!
