Hi all,
I'm here to finish regaling you with tales of our Christmas 2013 shenanigans! I promised myself I'd get this post in before January was over, and lo and behold I am = new mom success!!
So to pick up where we left off (*ahem), Charlotte and I had the privilege of spending an early Christmas with the McHenry's in eastern Washington. After such a successful journey, I decided to take a leap and agreed to go visit my mother's side of my family, the Cantu's...in south TEXAS.
My travel baby and I hit the skies again! |
Confession: I was terrified. Like, new mama terrified. A jaunt across the state is one thing, but traveling literally across the country felt like a whole other thing entirely! But my mom promised to accompany my daughter and I from start to finish. And everyone there was dying to see her. And there was nothing keeping me here but my fear. I could feel my adventurous side nudging me to trust; trust that not only would it be worth it and we would be ok, we would be great!
And I was right :)
We arrived in San Antonio after two flawless 2.5hour flights and were greeted by my abuela Hilda, wonderful Tia Letty, and sweet cousin Laryssa. It was one of the coolest moments of my daughter's little life so far - to give her great-grandmother the joy of seeing the next generation of her life's legacy. Her oldest daughter's oldest daughter's firstborn. Seriously cool...
Three of four generations of Cantu women: priceless |
After this joyful reunion, we drove into town to catch up with my Tio Eddie and his beautiful family outside the Alamo. I wish I could express how fun this was! We don't see each other for years at a time, yet when we're together, it's like everything is as it always was. That's family :)
My Uncle Eddie and Aunt Letty! |
A few of my beautiful cousins! |
We shared lots of laughs and baby snuggles while wandering the shops, and finished off the visit at the Alamo itself!
Cantu's and the Alamo: doesn't get more Texan than this! |
We said goodbye to the Houston Cantu's and headed south with the Weslaco Cantu's. From here it becomes a bit of a blur - the next few days were a mix of relaxing, visiting a few of my mom's aunts and uncles, and enjoying family at my grandma's house.
In Lita's hometown, Raymondville TX! |
Great Uncle Tom's house |
Visiting Great Aunt Lydia |
Tia Letty and her two "Charlie's", hahaha |
The tale end of the trip was a bit of a mad dash (due in part to flying standby two days before New Years...lesson learned, lol), but we got back to the Northwest safe and sound! Charlotte may not remember it, but there is now photographic proof that she got to spend a bit of her first Christmas season with her Texas family. I am so grateful for all of the family that loves her, both near and far. For that and so many other reasons, I feel like one blessed mama! 2014: bring it on...
Great-grandma, Grandma, Mama and Charlotte :) |