Once upon a time I told myself I would never be a mommy blogger. I mean, what I could I possibly add to the plethora of mommy knowledge all over the web?? But having been a mommy for a few minutes now, I do want to chime in on a trend I've noticed since Charlotte arrived.
It's called the "Just Wait" mantra.
I cannot count on my hands and feet the number of times Pat and I have been told to "just wait". Let me explain: Some well-meaning individual, an acquaintance or co-worker perhaps, will start by asking how this new parent gig is going. Pat or I will answer honestly and say we've had ups and downs but it has been wonderful overall! We are then told to just wait:
"Oh, just wait 'til she's walking and getting into everything"
"Ha! Just wait 'til she's potty training"
"Oh, you just wait 'til she's 16 and asking to take the family car"
Now, I've only been doing this parenting thing for a minute,
and I never like to say never,
but I have sworn I will attempt to NEVER say this to a new mom.
Because it robs the joy of the moment.
It looks at that beautiful newborn in her arms and waves them away dismissively.
Like some Grinch sent to steal her glowing present and replace it with unfounded doubt.
"You think life is rosy now, ha, JUST WAIT! It won't last, missy!"
I've been told time and time again how fast these precious days will pass,
so I've decided not to spend them "just waiting".
I'm learning the trace of her hairline and counting the number of wrinkles on her little legs.
I'm fine tuning my ears to hear the differences between her coos and cries.
I'm watching with anticipation to see what color her eyes will decide to be.
And I'm squeezing every drip of joy from every mommy cuddle I get.
Because every moment is a gift, whether she is smiling while dreaming sweet baby dreams or crying her little eyes out because mommy can't get to nursing her fast enough (my little glutton, lol).
This gig only lasts so long,
and I refuse to let it pass us by while waiting apprehensively for the future.
There is only this moment, and it is precious.