Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!
From the look of things on here, it's been a very quiet year on the blog front. But it has been anything but a quiet year on the home front! What with a new home to settle into, a growing toddler to chase around, Patrick's job change mid-summer, and a myriad of adventures big and small, I have let my once-beloved blog go by the wayside.
I'd like to think that, like Mary, I have been trying to treasure up these things and ponder them in my heart. After all, I hear these baby years are fleeting, so we've been making the most of it!
That being said, I do have the teeniest twinge of guilt looking at this forlorn page. With so much to be thankful for and so much to share, I couldn't possibly recount the whole year. So I am shamelessly borrowing this idea from a lovely blogger friend that I follow, in hopes that I can give you a glimpse of 2014 in the McHenry household!
What a year it's been - I wish I could gather it up in both arms and bury my face in it! Our baby went from a rolly polly chunk of 3 month old to a babbling, walking, handful of 14 month old. Charlotte's favorite activities include breakfast/lunch/dinner (or anytime she can finagle food from someone, which we refer to as "drive by eating"), emptying all the books from her bedroom shelf and "reading" them with me one by one, splashing around the water park in our local Rec Center (she has NO water fear, thank God), and generally traipsing behind daddy and I throughout the house. She is nothing if not a joiner, and she hates to miss out on whatever we're doing (or eating). In truth, she is the best thing that ever happened to us, and she teaches me to slow down, to see the world anew and to not take myself too seriously ;)
As for her daddy and I, we celebrated three years of marital bliss this spring (cue the sappy music) and have grown even closer because of this little toddling tyrant we've got. It's true! I am continually reminded of how blessed I am to have such a great teammate/best friend/baby- wrangling husband. This year he went from weary night shift nurse at one hospital to almost-giddy-with-relief day shift nurse at another! I kid you not, this has been a game changer. Not only is his job satisfaction through the roof, he now sleeps when we sleep, wakes when we wake, and days off are ACTUALLY days off. We are beyond grateful for this turn of events.
In any case, I really do have a rascally toddler - she is currently emptying the lower shelves in the pantry of all their cans - so I've got to make this quick! So now for the giant photo montage of 2014 (sorry it's so scattered!).
All our best to you and yours, God bless and Merry Christmas!